Step 1: Importància d'Optimizing the Frame for Competition E-Scooter
Competitive E-Scooter Preparació Step by Step: A Guide per a modificacions i Innovations per Ambrosini i-Racing When preparing a competició e-scooter (or e-scooter racing), la temptació de boost power immediately is strong. However, això és crucial per a understand, que el seu bon approach starts s stability i eficiència del vehicle, no just sheer power. El primer essential step en preparació d'e-scooter racing és optimitzar la seva fundació: el frame i la estructura components. En particular, la col·laboració de les columnes i l'handlebar mostren els punts de vista. Why Start with the Frame? When working on a competició e-scooter or e-scooter racing, la stabilita i la rigidity del frame és essencial. A l'optimitzat frame proveeix la seva investigació per a scooter que respongui quickly a les commands sense sacrificing safety o control, especially durant crucial race moments. En el nostre desenvolupament de processament, un key aspect ha de eliminar els necessaris punts de flexibilitat. A scooter with too many added components risks having more play and more wear. The philosophy of Ambrosini e-Racing starts right here: «less is more.» Steering Column and Handlebar: First Key Modification Aspecte crucial quan preparing a competicio e-scooter is the steering components. Col·loqueu les columnes i handlebar among les most importants elements per optimitzar. A l'imprescisió system de steering o lack of rigidity severely impacts performance on the track. 🔧 La modificació és recomanable per a aquest darrer step involves la columna de columna i la barra. Totes many assembled parts, screws, and unnecessary joints no es right approach for race e-scooter. It should no become a “Lego” with multiples elements an excessiu number de screws because each additional part can be a potential point of failure. Instead, aim is to create a monolithic structure to redueix any possible mechanical play and increase overall rigidity. The Key Modification: Aluminum Steering Column with Carbon Handlebar After testing diversos materials com carbon, aluminum, and titanium, we developed a final kit combining l'aluminum steering column and carbon handlebar, designat per maximize rigidity and lightness. Aquest kit és designat perfectly a respondre a les racions condicions i deliver excel·lent performance in every situation. A decisiu element d'aquesta modificació és la simple estructura: el kit features just 2 punts de punt de partida. Aquests eliminats need for additional joints and unnecessary fastenings, reducing el nombre de screws and superfluous components. Les parts d'aquest kit són designades per maximitzar la seva stabilita i reliability quan riding, sense compromising lightness. Therefore, there no és necessari per a structure similar a «Lego,» where each part is separated by screws and redundant components. Another important consideració és un overall weight of the kit, specifically engineered to improve front-end stability and traction of the scooter. La combinació d'alumini i carbon ofereix ideal balanç between rigidity and lightness, enhancing scooter's overall performance during races. Finalment, les dues puntes de moure's han de ser securades mitjançant high-resistance screws, designades per instal·lar les mechanical stress on el track. We recommend grade 10.9 screws for optimal strength. Purchase el nostre aluminium columna columna i carbon handlebar kit: 🔗 Ambrosini e-Carreras Steering Column🔗 Aerodynamic Carbon Handlebar Choosing Right Steering Column Height Select columns columns fort és crucial per aconseguir pilots adoptats ideal. Aquest choice depends en el pilot's height and riding style. Per exemple, a rider que prefereix a més aggressive approach might need a lower steering column, while a rider looking per a més confort might opt per a taller one. If you have any doubts sobre la correcció de columna height for your riding style, feel free to contact us. We'll help you choose perfect height per optimal performance and maximum safety. Ambrosini e-Racing's "Less is More" Philosophy Unlike a "Lego" assembly, where each part is added without a real need, a competition e-scooter requeris a careful selection of components. Every single element must have specific function and contribute to improving overall performance, sense complicació de la structure unnecessarily. Ambrosini e-Racing has won many races applying this preparation philosophy, even against e-scooters with powers up to three times higher. Per instance, en la Spanish Championship stage in Múrcia, Javi Espinosa, el nostre cotxe i current pilot en l'Escootr Championship (ESC), overcame more powerful e-scooters with stability issues. Similarly, Jordi Gaya, Spanish Xelectrics National Champion 2024, earned several podis, defeating more powerful e-scooters with less stable frames and steering systems. «Power Without Control és Counterproductive» We've proven que el well-optimized e-scooter racing, s de sòlid i estable frame, can beat scooters s greater power però poor stability. Així que els famosos guanyadors, el «power sense control és counterproductive», i Ambrosini e-Racing has fet aquest filòsof el seu banner. Next Steps and Future Developments In Next article, we will dive in the second key modification to take your competition e-scooter to new level of performance. If you found aquest first step interesting, don't miss our next post! Eleonora Fumagalli Writer & Blogger Step 1: Importància d'Optimizing Frame per a Competició E-Scooter ! Black Friday 2024: Best Deals on E-Scooters and Racing Components amb Ambrosini Racing! No et perdis aquests articles